Barcelona Gallery Weekend: 10th anniversary

barcelona gallery weekend
barcelona gallery weekend

From 19th to 22nd September 2024 we celebrate the 10th anniversary of Barcelona Gallery Weekend in 27 contemporary and modern art galleries in Barcelona and L'Hospitalet, presenting the work of more than 30 national and international artists.

The exhibitions programme will be complemented by comented visits, meetings, the curator's walks or guided tours, among other activities, aswell as an specific programme aimed at collectors and professionals, and an Acquisitions Programme, in which private companies and foundations commit to incorporate to their collections works from the participating galleries.

Moreover, from May 9th to 11th we will be featuring the second edition of THE COLLECTOR IS PRESENT, a programme resulting from the collaboration between collectors and gallerist of Barcelona Gallery Weekend. Soon the full agenda in our website.

Barcelona Gallery Weekend
Celebrating art in galleries

3 Punts Galería · Jan Shüler
ADN Galeria · Eugenio Merino / Julio Anaya
Ana Mas Projects · Michael Lawton
àngels barcelona · Lúa Coderch
Artur Ramon Art · Jordi Ortiz
Bombon Projects · Lara Fluxà
Chiquita Room · Louis Porter
Dilalica · Beatriz Olabarrieta & Mario Santamaría
ethall · Rasmus Nilausen
Fuga · Nieves Mingueza
Galería Alegría · Jorge Diezma / Philipp Röcker
Galeria Marc Domènech · Esther Boix
Galería Uxval Gochez · Yeonsu Lim
Galería Valid Foto BCN · Masao Yamamoto
House of Chappaz · Carles Congost
L21 Barcelona · Fabio Viscogliosi
Mayoral · Group show: Barcelona 1978-92
Mayoral Contemporani · Catalina León
Pigment Gallery · Sito Mújica
Prats Nogueras Blanchard · Richard Wentworth
ProjecteSD  · Jochen Lempert
RocioSantaCruz · Lionel Sabatté
Sala Parés · Michael Kenna & Toni Catany
Senda · Gino Rubert
Suburbia Contemporary · Gianluca Iadema
Taché Art Gallery · Lluis Lleó
Víctor Lope Arte Contemporáneo · Beate Höing
Zielinsky · Claudio Goulart